
From Humboldt County to the Lungs and Hearts of All Californians.

Top-shelf Solventless Cannabis Concentrates


Name: Elefante
Address: San Francisco, CA
Phone: (415) 320-6649
Website: elefanteinc.com/delivery

Name: Ganjah Guru
Address: Sacramento, CA
Phone: (833) 420-4878
Website: ganjahguru916.com

Name: HellaPaxx
Address: SF, East, and South Bay Delivery
Phone: (925) 351-5997
Website: www.hellapaxx.com/brands/fullymelted/

Name: Phog Center

Address: 2270 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044
Phone: (844) 504-8771
Website: phogcenter.com

Name: Smoke on the Water
Delivery: All Bay to Santa Rosa and Sac
Phone: (925) 351-5997
Website: www.SmokeontheWater.biz


Name: March and Ash
Address: 2835 Camino Del Rio S., Mission Valley, CA
Phone: (619) 314-7336
Website: marchandash.com

Want FullyMelted at your shop?    Email Sales@FullyMelted.com