Small businesses around the country are facing extinction under the big box banner of Walmart, Home Depot and Amazon, and if this trend has slipped past your attention, it is no less a concern in the cannabis industry. While you may have sat on the sidelines until it became legal, if you were partaking during these last 50 years, it’s likely that you engaged in a criminal act that you understood was actually safe, healthy, and should be your right as an American. Well, NOW IT IS, but keep your eyes peeled, because you, as a consumer, have a choice.
Despite lip service by the California Blue Ribbon Panel on Cannabis’ stated intention, to “Ensure that small and mid-size entities, especially responsible actors in the current market, have access to the new licensed market, and that the industry and regulatory system are not dominated by large, corporate interests,” the rapid succession of changes in the law have been an architectural masterpiece, a completely hijacking thru Prop 64, paid legislation by deep pocketed businesses who have not a whit of knowledge or love for the plant, and have paid none of the social cost that earned them the right to sell you overpriced and overtaxed dreck, nor concern for your health or state of mind. You, as a consumer, have a choice. Buy cheap mass produced schwag, from slick advertisers who pay to know how you line up as a target demographic, or seek out small independent brands, who were here supplying you throughout the medical era and before. FullyMelted brings such heritage, care and craft to their cannabis, make it yours. Get FullyMelted.